
Posts Tagged ‘The Blob’

Yeah, I drew it for you.  ♥ Freakcycle

OFFER: Mxxxxxxxxxe New telescope left outside in the rain Dont know if it works anymore (?)

If this is not the height of laziness, and believe me, I have a PhD in laziness (as is evidenced by not posting in Freakcycle for two weeks).  If this post doesn’t take the blue ribbon for half-assedness, I truly don’t know what does.

Just look in the goddamn finder, for chrissakes to see if the telescope works.  Point it up to the sky and find the Planet of the Lazy Buffoon.  You recognize home, don’t you?

To top it all off, all info is thrown into the subject line because why even bother to write up a description for a questionable telescope? And punctuation? Never you mind.  Throw in a colon and a question mark in unecessary parentheses and call it a day.

Industrious readers and responsible citizens of Earth, I know that this type of Freecycle carelessness galls you to no end so to make up for this, I will give you a visual as to how I believe this post actually made it to Freecycle.

Please enjoy as I slip into geek-mode and describe my ideal storyline for a B-grade horror movie made on graduate-school budget.

Picture if you will,  a gelatinous blob with fingers (the only articulated body part it has) that drags itself across laminate flooring to the dusty computer in the dark. The ghostly light from the monitor picks up the gooey snail-like detritus left behind as the mass of flesh laboriously makes its trail from its hovel to the computer chair. As it snakes up the chair and heaves itself onto the keyboard, the sliding tray straining under all the weight, the 15-word telescope post is typed out 38 minutes later. With a loud thud, the blob drops out of the chair after hitting send and makes the long journey back to its hole in the wall, only the slimy trail left behind as evidence. Fade to credits…the end.

If you love gooey horror-ific creatures, check out this great post by Robert Hood at Undead Backbrain.  http://roberthood.net/blog/index.php/2011/04/10/blobs-swamp-muck-and-amorphous-things-that-go-splat-in-the-night/

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