
Posts Tagged ‘reduce’


This little machine kind of annoys me.  What is wrong with a straight up coffee maker?  I’m Colombian, dammit, coffee is like a religion to me, not to mention that this machine is an environmental no-no.  The coffee comes in single serve tea bag pods and similiar models use plastic pods which you throw away, one at a time, again and again.  All these pods are packaged in more packaging for your conveniece.  

The cynics amongst you might be saying “Yeah, but what about coffee filters?”  No need for those anymore either.  I may be old school but I have a metal mesh filter in my coffee pot and all I do is rinse it after each use, no waste.  I want aliens in a pod,peas in a pod, heck…even babies in a pod ,but not my coffee. 

Now before all you cynics and haters get stirred up again, I KNOW the Senseo has a new-fangled model that takes regular coffee  and has a teeny, tiny metal mesh filter too but just let me vent like a crochety old man…I like to get my news from a newspaper,not online and I like having my coffee with my newspaper in the morning and I feel my morning coffee routine of news and coffee is constantly under threat, okay???  Anyone with me?

Still…this Freecycler is bummed out because she cannot recreate the Starbucks experience at home…

Someone’s original post came in at 12:12 pm yesterday:

  • This is a fairly new coffee maker. It has only been used a dozen times. I drink too much coffee for this to be useful for me.
    This type of coffee maker uses small tea bag style pods. They are sold in bags of around 18.

Less than an hour later, this post comes in:

  • i am bummed because i had posted a couple weeks ago
    asking for one
    and never got a response
    then one got posted
    and i didnt repsond in time
    and it has been takenso once again
    i am posting a want for a senseo coffee maker
    i would be so grateful



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Thank you Sad Microwave Lady for your post.  Just when I was starting losing hope, your lovely request showed up in my Freecycle inbox.   

The microwave  in the pic is my very own and the praying hands sticker on it is for you.  May you heat and reheat in just under a minute very, very soon.  Good luck and God speed.

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WANTED: microwave- hi everyone i hope someone could help me i need a few things.
1)first i am in depressed need of a microwave.mine broke last week and its so hard for me to eat my lunch.everything i eat is microwavable, so i am very depressed. thank you

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